Message from the Rector
It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the BUDI LUHUR UNIVERSITY (BLU) through this university profile.
BLU, under the management of Budi Luhur Foundation is a nationally recognized institution with excellent teaching. The university being the pioneer among private universities in Indonesia offering computer studies, is consistently judged as one of Indonesia’s best higher educational institution in computer studies and is still highly respected.
BLU, founded on 1 April 1979 by Drs. Djaetun. HS and dedicated to his beloved country, Indonesia, is aimed at helping the goverment in preparing qualified human resources that are now badly needed, because the key to win the tight competition in this global era is of course by being gualified and professional ini our profession. We realize that to be professional and qualified in a profession needs great efforts.
This will be the reason why now BLU has a global outlook in preparing its future. We also realize that now it is very important for the university to create institutional links with overseas universities, for both student and staff exchanges, for teaching and for research. By doing this we feel sure that the programs we offer to our students can be designed professionally to meet the demand of the global needs.
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